This freeware tool helps you to quickly sort your collection of pictures/images into categories. You can define your own categories like "My vacation", "Wallpapers", "Cool
pictures" and move the pictures to any of these categories with just one single click or even better by pressing the shortcut key for that category (you can define the shortcuts also).

Name |
Categorize This! |
Version | |
Release date |
03 June 2013 |
Installer |
doesn't need |
Size |
~2.4 MB |

How to install it?
is delivered in a package to together with several other graphics programs. Once unpacked, it does not require being installed. Just double click the program to run it.
- Our software doesn't install any (DLLs, ActiveX, DirectX, .Net, Java, Windows services packs, IE updates, etc) crapware in your computer!
- Our software is monolithic and portable - which means that you can copy it on a flash stick and run it on any computer without installing it.
What is new in this version?
- Allow user to choose between Copy/Move operation.
- Quick rename images
- More space for category buttons
- User can choose the size of the category buttons
- Better GUI layout
- Better shortcuts
- Allow user to choose shortcut for new created categories
- Change the file name directly from Rename file panel
- Categorize images by size
- Delete images directly from File List panel by pressing the 'Delete' key
- Ask before deleting images
- Overwrite/don't overwrite existent files
- Auto-refresh folders
- Allow user to create infinite number of categories (Pro)
- Many more
Easily define new categories
Move picture to category with one single click
Rename picture
Delete picture from disk
Define keyboard shortcuts for each category
Embedded help system (help as tool tips)
Other features
Download and run (it doesn't need installer)
It doesn't install garbage into your system
Auto start at Windows start up
Minimize to system tray
Skins & transparency
It remembers your last settings
System requirements
- 486 computer (at 66MHz)
- less than 3MB of free RAM
- 1MB free space on your hard drive
Windows 95 or higher (it support Windows 98, Windows NT, Windows Me, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 2003, Windows Vista)
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Web site down
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How to change the background wallpaper