Dots$ = "............................................"
' OSMemType
OSMemType$(1) = "Memory Load (%)"
OSMemType$(2) = "Total Physical"
OSMemType$(3) = "Avail Physical"
OSMemType$(4) = "Total Page File"
OSMemType$(5) = "Available Page File"
OSMemType$(6) = "Total Virtual"
OSMemType$(7) = "Available Virtual"
' ProcMemType
ProcMemType$(1) = "Working Set Size"
ProcMemType$(2) = "Page Fault Count"
ProcMemType$(3) = "Peak Working Set Size"
ProcMemType$(4) = "Quota Peak Paged Pool Usage"
ProcMemType$(5) = "Quota Paged Pool Usage"
ProcMemType$(6) = "Quota Peak Non Paged Pool Usage"
ProcMemType$(7) = "Quota Non Paged Pool Usage"
ProcMemType$(8) = "Pagefile Usage"
ProcMemType$(9) = "Peak Pagefile Usage"
' main routines testing
call OpenHwIDexDLL
print "CPU Information"
print "==============="
print "CPU Speed .......................... "; GetCPUSpeed(); " MHz"
print "CPU Family ......................... "; CPUFamily$()
print "CPU Theoretic Speed ................ "; GetCpuTheoreticSpeed(); " MHz"
print "Is CPU ID available ................ "; IsCPUIDAvailable()
for Core = 1 to GetCPUCount()
print "CPU ID Core "; Core; " ...................... "; GetCPUID$(Core)
print "CPU ID now ......................... "; GetCpuIdNow$()
print "Is Intel(R) 64-Bit CPU ............. "; IsIntel64BitCPU()
print "CPU Vendor ......................... "; GetCPUVendor$()
print "RAM Information"
print "==============="
print OSMemType$(1); " "; left$(Dots$, 35 - len(OSMemType$(1))); " "; _
MemStatWindows(1); " %"
for OSMemType = 2 to 7
print OSMemType$(OSMemType); " "; left$(Dots$, 35 - len(OSMemType$(OSMemType))); " "; _
using("#############", MemStatWindows(OSMemType)); " Byte ... "; _
using("##########", val(MemStatWindowsKB$(OSMemType))); " kiloByte ... "; _
using("#######", val(MemStatWindowsMB$(OSMemType))); " MegaByte"
for ProcMemType = 1 to 9
print ProcMemType$(ProcMemType); " "; left$(Dots$, 35 - len(ProcMemType$(ProcMemType))); " "; _
using("#############", MemStatCurrProc(ProcMemType));
if ProcMemType = 2 then
print " Byte"
end if
print "Peak Memory Used ................... "; using("#############", MemStatPeak()); " Byte"
print "RAM Advanced"
print "============"
print "Page Size .......................... "; GetPageSize()
print "Memory Granularity ................. "; GetMemGranularity(); " kiloByte"
print "Lowest Address ..................... "; GetLowAddr()
print "Highest Address .................... "; GetHiAddr()
print "HDD Information"
print "==============="
count = 1
Drive$ = upper$(word$(Drives$, count))
if Drive$ <> "" then
print "Partition ID "; Drive$; " .................... "; GetPartitionID$(Drive$)
end if
count = count + 1
loop until Drive$ = ""
for DriveID = 0 to 7
print "IDE Serial Number Drive "; DriveID; " .......... "; trim$(GetIDESerialNumber$(DriveID))
print "BIOS Information"
print "================"
print "BIOS Date .......................... "; BiosDate$()
print "BIOS Version ....................... "; BiosVersion$()
print "BIOS Product ID .................... "; BiosProductID$()
print "BIOS Video ......................... "; BiosVideo$()
print "Utilities"
print "========="
print "HardwareIDExtractorC.dll Version ... "; GetDllVersion()
print "Bin to Integer (10011001) .......... "; BinToInt("10011001")
call CloseHwIDexDLL
sub OpenHwIDexDLL
' open DLL
Open "HardwareIDExtractorC.dll" for DLL as #HwIDex
end sub
sub CloseHwIDexDLL
' close DLL
close #HwIDex
end sub
sub ReleaseMemory pointer
' release memory used by returned String
calldll #HwIDex, "ReleaseMemory", pointer as ulong, result as void
end sub
function GetCPUSpeed()
calldll #HwIDex, "GetCPUSpeed", GetCPUSpeed as double
end function
function CPUFamily$()
calldll #HwIDex, "CPUFamily", pointer as ulong
CPUFamily$ = winstring(pointer)
call ReleaseMemory pointer
end function
function GetCpuTheoreticSpeed()
calldll #HwIDex, "GetCpuTheoreticSpeed", GetCpuTheoreticSpeed as long
end function
function IsCPUIDAvailable()
calldll #HwIDex, "IsCPUIDAvailable", result as ulong
IsCPUIDAvailable = (result > 0)
end function
function GetCPUID$(CoreNo)
calldll #HwIDex, "CoreNumber2CoreMask", CoreNo as long, CoreMask as long
calldll #HwIDex, "GetCPUID", CoreMask as word, pointer as ulong
GetCPUID$ = winstring(pointer)
call ReleaseMemory pointer
end function
function GetCpuIdNow$()
calldll #HwIDex, "GetCpuIdNow", pointer as ulong
GetCpuIdNow$ = winstring(pointer)
call ReleaseMemory pointer
end function
function GetCPUCount()
calldll #HwIDex, "GetCPUCount", GetCPUCount as long
end function
function IsIntel64BitCPU()
calldll #HwIDex, "IsIntel64BitCPU", result as ulong
IsIntel64BitCPU = (result > 0)
end function
function GetCPUVendor$()
calldll #HwIDex, "GetCPUVendor", pointer as ulong
GetCPUVendor$ = winstring(pointer)
call ReleaseMemory pointer
end function
function MemStatWindows(OSMemType)
calldll #HwIDex, "MemStatWindows", OSMemType as ushort, MemStatWindows as ulong
end function
function MemStatWindowsKB$(OSMemType)
calldll #HwIDex, "MemStatWindows_KB", OSMemType as ushort, pointer as ulong
MemStatWindowsKB$ = winstring(pointer)
call ReleaseMemory pointer
end function
function MemStatWindowsMB$(OSMemType)
calldll #HwIDex, "MemStatWindows_MB", OSMemType as ushort, pointer as ulong
MemStatWindowsMB$ = winstring(pointer)
call ReleaseMemory pointer
end function
function MemStatCurrProc(ProcMemType)
calldll #HwIDex, "MemStatCurrProc", ProcMemType as ushort, MemStatCurrProc as ulong
end function
function MemStatPeak()
calldll #HwIDex, "MemStatPeak", MemStatPeak as ulong
end function
' RAM - Advanced stuff
function GetPageSize()
calldll #HwIDex, "GetPageSize", GetPageSize as ulong
end function
function GetMemGranularity()
calldll #HwIDex, "GetMemGranularity", GetMemGranularity as long
end function
function GetLowAddr()
calldll #HwIDex, "GetLowAddr", GetLowAddr as ulong
end function
function GetHiAddr()
calldll #HwIDex, "GetHiAddr", GetHiAddr as ulong
end function
function GetPartitionID$(Partition$)
calldll #HwIDex, "GetPartitionID", Partition$ as ptr, pointer as ulong
GetPartitionID$ = winstring(pointer)
call ReleaseMemory pointer
end function
function GetIDESerialNumber$(DriveNumber)
calldll #HwIDex, "GetIDESerialNumber", DriveNumber as ushort, pointer as ulong
GetIDESerialNumber$ = winstring(pointer)
call ReleaseMemory pointer
end function
function BiosDate$()
calldll #HwIDex, "BiosDate", pointer as ulong
BiosDate$ = winstring(pointer)
call ReleaseMemory pointer
end function
function BiosVersion$()
calldll #HwIDex, "BiosVersion", pointer as ulong
BiosVersion$ = winstring(pointer)
call ReleaseMemory pointer
end function
function BiosProductID$()
calldll #HwIDex, "BiosProductID", pointer as ulong
BiosProductID$ = winstring(pointer)
call ReleaseMemory pointer
end function
function BiosVideo$()
calldll #HwIDex, "BiosVideo", pointer as ulong
BiosVideo$ = winstring(pointer)
call ReleaseMemory pointer
end function
' Utils
function BinToInt(Value$)
calldll #HwIDex, "BinToInt", Value$ as ptr, BinToInt as long
end function
function GetDllVersion()
calldll #HwIDex, "GetDllVersion", GetDllVersion as double
end function