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Web Traffic Generator

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For-profit license


You should purchase a 'business/for-profit' license if ANY of the following applies:

  • You use the software to test a server that hosts a for-profit web site
  • You use the software to generate traffic on a for-profit web site
  • You enter a business name in the 'Organization' field, when you place the order
  • You place the order from a corporate domain (for example:
  • You pay with a business credit card (or other form of payment)


For-profit (business) web site


Please note that using the software with your personal web site it is considered for-profit if your site generates revenue by any meanings (paid link exchange, banners and ads, promotional links, sells stuff, it represents a business, etc)






Q: Can I use the non-profit license on my personal web site. My site is free of Yahoo/Google Ads and only publishes my personal digital pictures/paintings. Some of these pictures are available for purchase.

A: No. The web sites has not ads but it generates profit from selling digital goods.



Q: My site is an online mirror of a printed magazine (it features beauty and fashion articles and commercial products ads). The web site has no ads but the magazine has. Can I use the non-profit license on this web site?

A: No. The web site may be free of ads. However, the magazine has ads (it generates profit). Since the web site is the magazine (it promotes the magazine) it means that indirectly generates profit.


Q: I just started a business (LTD) and I created a web site for it. The web site is free of ads. My business is new so it generates no profit yet. Can I use the non-profit license on this web site?

A: No. Even if your business generates no income (yet) it is still a registered business. You will have to purchase a for-profit license. You will 'recover' the money invested in the license later, when the business will generate profit.












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