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Document Unwrap lines in a broken lines document

Document Unwrap



Document Unwrap can do what no other advanced text editor (not even Microsoft Word) can. Document Unwrap can restore the text in a document that has been formatted with a broken line / row, for example, those files that have short rows because they were formatted for a page layout different than yours (like A4/L8).

You may obtain truncated/prematurelly wrapped text lines if you try to copy/paste text from PDF documents to Word.

Document Unwrap software will detect premature line ends and will fix them (will merge the broken lines).




  • Pure freeware!
  • Detects and fixes premature line ends
  • Small size
  • Portable: no installation required (just download it and double click)
  • It doesn't mess your registry or system with unneeded DLLs or other craps like this
  • Integrated Help (as tool tips)



How to install it?

Document Unwrap does not require being installed or un-installed.
It doesn't need any DLLs, ActiveX, DirectX, Java, Windows services packs or IE updates Just download the program and run it.






 v1.1 (2018)
  doesn't need
  3 MB

unwrap text download tool
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Document Unwrap is delivered in a package to together with several other similar tools. Once unpacked, it does not require being installed. Just double click the program to run it.

You can copy this software tool on a USB stick and run it on any computer without installing it.

free software
wrap lines in a document